Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Oklahoma State University

Sarah A. Cain
Graduate Research Assistant at Oklahoma State University
Welcome to my website! My name is Sarah Cain, and I am currently a Master's student in the Chitwood Lab at Oklahoma State University. To learn more about my background in natural resource ecology and management, please feel free to look around my website. I love making new connections and broadening my understanding of the natural resources field, so please feel free to email me with questions, comments, or to connect over our love of the outdoors!

My educational background is in learning about the most effective methods of managing and conserving our natural resources, particularly our native wildlife. I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Wildlife Ecology and Management, and I am currently pursuing a Master's of Science in Natural Resource Ecology and Management.

To contribute to my learning about the most effective methods to manage and conserve wildlife and natural resources, I led and participated in multiple research projects concerning important regional conservation questions about wildlife species of interest. I have worked on projects ranging from white-tailed deer to American kestrels, and I am now leading a master's project about elk in southwest Montana.
After learning and researching about wildlife conservation, I used my platform as a scientist and student in the natural resources field to effectively communicate science and conservation objectives to others. Whether it be through research conferences or through Wilderness Explorer badges, I am passionate about connecting people to the world around them. Effective conservation and management starts with effective understanding of the science behind it.